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Tool Index (A-Z)

Tool Index

The full list of ScriptManager tools. It's sortable! Click the headers!

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CodeTool Group
BFBAM Format Converter
BMBAM Manipulation
BSBAM Statistics
CMCoordinate Manipulation
FGFigure Generation
FUFile Utilities
PAPeak Analysis
RARead Analysis
SASequence Analysis
GroupTool NameDescription
RA Aggregate DataCompile data from tab-delimited file into matrix according to user-specified metric.
BS BAM CorrelationGenome-Genome correlations for replicate comparisons given multiple sorted and indexed (BAI) BAM files.
BM BAM IndexerFor most tools using BAM inputs (both within and without ScriptManager), a BAM index file (.bai) file is required so that the tool can efficiently query the file for alignment records.
BF BAM to bedGraphConvert BAM file to bedGraph file
BF BAM to BEDConvert BAM file to BED file
BF BAM to GFFConvert BAM file to GFF file
BF BAM to scIdxConvert BAM file to scIDX file
CM BED to GFFConverts BED file to GFF file
FG Composite Line PlotGenerate a Composite Plot PNG from composite data like the output in TagPileup
BS Cross CorrelationCalculate optimal tag shift based on ArchTEx implementation from (PMID:22302569)
SA DNA shape from BEDCalculate intrinsic DNA shape parameters given BED file and Genome FASTA file.
SA DNA shape from FASTACalculate intrinsic DNA shape parameters given input FASTA files. Based on Roh's lab DNAshape server data
CM Expand BEDExpands input BED file by adding positions to the border or around the center.
CM Expand GFFExpands input GFF file by adding positions to the border or around the center
SA Extract FASTAGenerate FASTA file from indexed Genome FASTA file and BED file. Script will generate FAI index if not present in Genome FASTA folder.
PA Filter BED by ProximityFilter BED file using user-specified exclusion zone using the score column to determine which peak to retain.
BM Filter PIP-seqFilter BAM file by -1 nucleotide. Requires genome FASTA file. Note this program does not index the resulting BAM file and user must use appropriate samtools command to generate BAI.
FG Four Color PlotGenerate 4Color sequence plot given FASTA file and user-defined RGB colors.
CM GFF to BEDConverts GFF file format to BED file format
FG Two Color Heatmap PlotThis tool generates a heatmap from a tab-delimited matrix input of numeric values.
FU MD5 ChecksumA common quality control and security step that everyone should use when downloading files from another source is to compare MD5 checksum values to ensure that the file that was downloaded exactly matches the reported MD5checksum value for the file.
BM Merge BAM ReplicatesMerge multiple sorted alignment files, producing a single sorted output file that contains all the input records and maintains the existing sort order.
FG Merge HeatmapsThis tool merges two PNG files into a third PNG file that is an average of each corresponding pair of pixels from the input files.
BS Paired-end StatisticsGenerates Insert-size Histogram statistic (GEO requirement) and outputs BAM Header including alignment statistics and parameters given a sorted and indexed (BAI) paired-end BAM File.
PA Align BED to ReferenceAlign BED peaks to Reference BED file creating CDT files for heatmap generation
PA Random CoordinatesGenerate a coordinate file that tiles (non-overlapping) across an entire genome.
SA Randomize FASTARandomizes FASTA sequence for each input entry
BM Mark (Remove) DuplicatesThis tool locates and tags duplicate reads in a BAM or SAM file, where duplicate reads are defined as originating from a single fragment of DNA.
RA Scale MatrixApply a user-specified scaling factor to tab-delimited matrix data
RA Calculate Scaling FactorCalculate the factor as either total tag normalization or normalization of ChIP-seq data with control (PMID:22883957)
BS Single-end StatisticsOutput BAM Header including alignment statistics and parameters given any indexed (BAI) BAM File.
SA Search MotifSearch for an IUPAC DNA sequence motif in FASTA files with mismatches allowed
PA Signal DuplicationCalculate duplication statistics at user-specified regions.
BM Sort BAMSort alignments by leftmost coordinates, or by read name when -n is used. An appropriate @HD-SO sort order header tag will be added or an existing one updated if necessary.
CM Sort BEDSort a CDT file and its corresponding BED file by the total score in the CDT file across the specified interval
PA Sort BED By DistanceSort BED/GFF by distance to another BED/GFF (e.g. peak annotations)
CM Sort GFFSort a CDT file and its corresponding GFF file by the total score in the CDT file across the specified interval
RA Tag PileupPileup 5' ends of aligned tags given BED and BAM files according to user-defined parameters
PA Tile GenomeGenerate a coordinate file that tiles (non-overlapping) across an entire genome.
RA Transpose MatrixInterchange the rows and columns of a matrix.