Merge Heatmap
This tool merges two PNG files into a third PNG file that is an average of each corresponding pair of pixels from the input files.
Typical use of this tool is for merging blue(sense) and red(anti-sense) two-color heatmap plots plots for ChIP-exo analysis.
Any file with a .png
extension may be loaded into the Merge Heatmap tool. When a batch of files have been loaded, the user can click "Merge" which will execute the script which will run the script to pair off samples based on their filenames and merge each pair into a new file with the *_merge.png
The graphical interface for the Merge Heatmap tool relies on strict file naming conventions set by the Two-color heatmap tool to pair a batch of PNG files for merging. For example in the following batch of files,
The following files will be paired off for merging:
↔ SampleA_anti_treeview.png
↔ SampleB_anti_treeview.png
↔ Another-Name_StructureA_anti_treeview.png
unpaired: SampleC_sense_treeview.png
Make sure you are merging PNG files with the same pixel-dimensions. ScriptManager will terminate the process if it encounters a pair of images with unequal dimensions and report it to the user in a pop-up window.
Details of color-averaging strategy
Let every pixel in the sense .png
heatmap (),
every pixel in the anti-sense .png
heatmap (), and
every pixel in the merged .png
heatmap () be indexed by .
For each and , let and .
We define the merged .png
heatmap () pixel matrix as follows:
See from the above specifications and could be swapped around with no effect on the merged output. In other words, the tool is not doing anything fancy or ChIP-exo specific and is agnostic to the specifics of the input outside of the dimensions and the .png
format. Should the need arise, you could co-opt the command line interface for merge heatmap to bypass the file naming enforcement strategy employed by the graphical interface to merge any pair of .png
files with the same dimensions.
Command Line Interface
java -jar ScriptManager.jar figure-generation merge-heatmap [-hV] [-o=<output>]
<senseFile> <antiFile>
Merge Sense and Antisense png heatmaps
Positional Input
Expects two PNG like the output from the heatmap tool. Filenaming format is unrestricted (contrast with GUI) since each of the merged files is explicitly named in the input parameters of the command line signature.
Output Options
Option | Description |
-o, --output=<output> | specify output filename, please use PNG extension (<senseFile>_merged.png appended to the name in working directory of ScriptManager |