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Expand GFF File


Expands input GFF file by adding positions to the border or around the center

Input GFF files

The graphical interface restricts file selection by the .gff file extension. This tool supports batch processing of files.

Expansion strategy & size

Depending on the strategy selected, the "Size of Expansion" (in bp) can mean different things.

  • Expand from Center: The figure at the top of the page illustrates the "expand from center" expansion strategy where the midpoint is determined by script and then the window is expanded evenly on both sides of the midpoint to the size of expansion specified by the user. This results in a BED file with intervals of a fixed length.
  • Add to Border: This strategy pads both sides of the borders of the input intervals by a fixed amount specified by the user ("Size of Expansion"). Depending on whether or not the input BED file contains intervals of a fixed length, the resulting expansions will not necessarily include intervals of a fixed length.

Output format

For each input GFF file, a new GFF file is created with the original filename and the .gff file extension replaced with the *_<sizeofexpansion>bp.gff suffix. If the "Output GZIP" checkbox is slected, the .gz extension will also be appended.

Command Line Interface


java -jar ScriptManager.jar coordinate-manipulation expand-gff [-hsV] [-b=<border>]
[-c=<center>] [-o=<output>] <gffFile>

Positional Input

This tool takes a single GFF file for input.

Output Options

-o, --outputspecify output filename (default name will be same as original with expansion info and .gff ext)
-s, --stdoutoutput bed to STDOUT
-z, --gzipgzip output (default=false)

Expansion Options

-c, --centerexpand from center (default, at 250bp)
-b, --borderadd to border