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Sequence Analysis

Tools for analyzing sequence files (e.g. shape analysis, motif searches, randomization, and extractions).

Tool NameInputOutputDescription
fasta-extractBED + FASTA(genome)FASTAGenerate FASTA file from indexed Genome FASTA file and BED file. Script will generate FAI index if not present in Genome FASTA folder.
randomize-fastaFASTAFASTARandomizes FASTA sequence for each input entry
search-motifFASTABEDSearch for an IUPAC DNA sequence motif in FASTA files with mismatches allowed.
dna-shape-bedBED + FASTA(genome)CDTCalculate intrinsic DNA shape parameters given BED file and Genome FASTA file. Based on Roh's lab DNAshape server data.
dna-shape-fastaFASTACDTCalculate intrinsic DNA shape parameters given input FASTA files. Based on Roh's lab DNAshape server data.